Galactic Doorway - Monument Rocks, Kansas

Galactic Doorway

Price: Calculating

Fine Art Prints

Galactic Doorway is available in limited edition signature series HD acrylic and Chromaluxe metal in a run of 200 prints and 5 artist proofs. Premium plaque mount, archival canvas and archival paper prints are also available. You can purchase fine art prints in a variety of mediums with optional frames above. For collectors wishing to purchase artist proofs of Galactic Doorway or with questions about purchasing limited edition fine art prints, please contact me.

Monument Rocks, Kansas

Photographic Story

Monument Rocks is a special place. These monoliths make for amazing foregrounds. Usually night photography is prohibited here, but I was granted special access by the landowners. I knew this was a shot I would have to try and create. The archway in the largest set of rocks is one of the most interesting features in all of Kansas! Spending the night out here under the stars, I wanted until the Milky Way would be framed just right in the doorway, then shot it again a couple of hours ago when the first hints of sunlight and the rising moonlight lit up the archway slightly. The result is this galactic doorway! Most of my limited edition night photography is shot with a star tracker - this allows me to get much more detailed versions of the night sky than simply shooting normal night photography would allow. The result means you can print this image about as large as you can imagine!


Limited Edition Run of 200 / Artist Proof Run of 5



Contact Mickey About Galactic Doorway

Have a question about Galactic Doorway or my fine art prints? Feel free to contact me using my contact page form to learn more. I will get back to you as quickly as possible! Thanks for your interest in Galactic Doorway and my art!

Contact Mickey