Hanapepe Valley Lookout - Hanapepe Valley, Kauai, Hawaii

Hanapepe Valley Lookout

Price: Calculating

Fine Art Prints

Hanapepe Valley Lookout is an open edition fine art print. You can purchase fine art prints in a variety of mediums above. If you have any questions about fine art prints or licensing this image, please contact me.

Hanapepe Valley, Kauai, Hawaii

Photographic Story

The Hanapepe Valley that sprawls out before you in this image is of major historical significance to the island of Kauai. On one hand, this valley once housed a thriving community of taro farmers. On the other hand, one of the bloodiest battles in the history of Kauai was staged here when the son of the last king of Kauai revolted against King Kamehehamehe. In more recent times, higher up the valley (not pictured) a rugged waterfall was used in the filming of Jurassic Park.


Open Edition Fine Art


Classic Landscape

Contact Mickey About Hanapepe Valley Lookout

Have a question about Hanapepe Valley Lookout or my fine art prints? Feel free to contact me using my contact page form to learn more. I will get back to you as quickly as possible! Thanks for your interest in Hanapepe Valley Lookout and my art!

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